Thought Leadership

Hear from IACN on issues related to nursing and academic nursing education.

  • Defining Academic-Practice Partnerships in Nursing

    Defining Academic-Practice Partnerships in Nursing

    Academic-practice partnerships are collaborative relationships between nursing education institutions and healthcare organizations. These partnerships are designed to bridge the gap between academic learning and clinical practice, ensuring that nursing students receive a well-rounded education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on experience. Key Characteristics of Academic-Practice Partnerships 1. Research, Innovation, Shared Goals Partnerships often involve…

  • Addressing the Nursing Faculty Shortage in Illinois: A Critical Examination

    Addressing the Nursing Faculty Shortage in Illinois: A Critical Examination

    For years, Illinois’ nursing higher education institutions have faced a growing challenge: a shortage of nursing faculty. This crisis has significant implications for the future of healthcare in the state, affecting not only the education and training of aspiring nurses but also the overall quality of patient care. In this post, we will delve into…

  • Helping Illinois’ Students Pass NCLEX — Illinois’ Colleges of Nursing React

    Helping Illinois’ Students Pass NCLEX — Illinois’ Colleges of Nursing React

    As discussed in our most recent post, resiliency, accessibility, and NCLEX pass rates are closely linked. Advisors across higher education recognize that GenZ is different than previous generations, with unique challenges that put pressure on both educational institutions and healthcare facilities. Institutions of higher education are grappling with how to provide enhanced student support services…

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